eWellness Solutions comprises of
four divisions, which ensure that the client receives a holistic solution to
their health, fitness and wellbeing. At eWelness Solutions we are more
interested in treating the client as an individual.
ePROFILER is a set of examination tests
or techniques which combines various conventional Blood Analysis,
Bio-electric Impedance Analysis, Grip Strength Test, Organic Acid Test and
Sclerology Eye Test to identify various metabolic
imbalances within the body that are known markers which indicate
deficiencies that may lead to degenerative conditions or disease.
By understanding an individual’s tendencies towards developing degenerative conditions and how far from optimal health they may have strayed as a result of factors such as lifestyle, pollutants, stress, nutritional inadequacies etc. we are provided with an opportunity to have these pre-clinical conditions addressed effectively, ePROFILER is not a treatment for disease it is merely an assessment tool.
By understanding an individual’s tendencies towards developing degenerative conditions and how far from optimal health they may have strayed as a result of factors such as lifestyle, pollutants, stress, nutritional inadequacies etc. we are provided with an opportunity to have these pre-clinical conditions addressed effectively, ePROFILER is not a treatment for disease it is merely an assessment tool.
ePROFILER does not diagnose disease; it does however draw correlations
between diet and/ or nutritional deficiencies, adverse lifestyle factors and
sub-clinical indicators. By utilizing ePROFILER results a health care
practitioner will then provide the individual with a treatment protocol aimed
at returning the client to optimum wellness.
ePROFILER is a highly sophisticated interactive nutritional and
metabolic profiling system designed to give our practitioners the most up to
date assessment of patient wellbeing. Enabling our practitioners to target and
treat Dis-Ease more effectively.
eFortify Natural
Dispensary is a functional medicine dispensary. It houses most of the
nutraceuticals supplements that have to do with the fortification of the human
Physiology. As defined by the World Health Organization and Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, fortification refers to the
practice of deliberately increasing the content of an essential micronutrient,
i.e. vitamins and minerals (including trace elements) in a food irrespective of
whether the nutrients were originally in the food processing or not so as to
improve food, the nutritional quality of the food supply and to provide a
public health benefit with minimal risk.
Indeed one can buy
nutritional supplements from any number of sources that claim lower prices and
better quality. With eFortify, however, you get much more than just a product,
you get your concerns heard. You get a guarantee of clinical, technological and
ethical excellence. eFortify will educate clients on the correct ways of taking
Most people in the supplements industry are concerned about taking
the right quantity of vitamins and the absorption of those vitamins; this is
what we call the Pill and Pray
approach. At eFortify we go even further, once it is absorbed we ask “Where
does it go?”, “Does it go to the areas where it’s needed?” e.g. inflammation
alters micronutrient metabolism. A clinician might be prescribing protein to a
client to build detox enzymes, but if the client is inflamed the body will use
the protein to build more inflammatory mediators such as the C Reactive Protein
(CRP). The body perceives the need to that because it is an intelligent system.
eCooks empowers clients
with the real benefits of food, and lets them know food can change their
genetic expression. eCooks is there to show the powerful impact of food on gene
expressions (Epigenetics: epi= “on” or “over” or “above” the gene), emphasizing
the dietary influences that affect children and future generations. Over 95% is
Epigenetically determined, that means we can alter our gene expression via
food. eCooks is here to show u how.
Genotype Vs. Phenotype: Genotype is the blueprint of how something will be made.
Phenotype is the materials and workmanship i.e. food.
The human genome
contains roughly 25000 genes as opposed to the epigenome, which is 50 to 100
times as larger. Less than 10% (some scientists claim less than 2%) of human
disease is a result of genetic destiny.
In 1940-Frances
Pottenger, MD -demonstrated that nutritional deficiencies can be passed from
one generation to the next. How does this apply to the human condition, when
looking at food? Think of the genotype as a plan on how something is going be
built, while phenotype is the materials and workmanship.
Let's use the blue print
of a house. We can predict what the house is going look like, but if we have
terrible materials and workmanship (food) we will end up with something that
doesn't express the vision of the architect. This is what has happened to the
human population, if we get less food or poor quality food we end up with bad
genetic expression. Food provides us with building materials for the human
body. With eCooks we say you have the choice to change those deficiencies
through the food that you eat.
Conventional genetic
wisdom dictates that the genes of the offspring would not inherit the switched
genes. The genome would be wiped clean. But this is not what happened. The
genetic switch in one generation was clearly present in the next generation.
Non-DNA-based genetic changes produced by environmental experiences could be
inherited. This is so true when one sees 9 months old babies who are insulin
resistant; our food has been corrupted.
eMotions has taken a cue
from one of the finest beings on the planet Marc David. Marc David has posed
these questions- "Why move the body if not to celebrate it? Who really
wants to exercise out of punishment and pain? Do our health clubs inspire us
with their decor, their music, and their machines? Are we giving ourselves any
good reasons to run and play?”
Life is Movement.
eMotions is about celebration of movement. How do you move your body? Do you
practice evolutionary natural movement like running, jumping, climbing,
crawling, or swimming? Or is your practice based in specific exercise
theories, traditions, arts, or conventions? Human movement just like
nutritional and other physical needs, are part of our species-specific biology;
this is the outcome of evolution. So if we want a fitness program that
would be biologically relevant, we need to look into our universal movement
past. Moving naturally has been a fitness “fad” for several
millions of years; it is timeless. A truly natural approach to fitness
means taking an evolutionary approach to fitness.
This “evolutionary fitness”
is practicing the full range of human evolutionary natural movement skills.
Here, we mean physical activity based primarily on locomotive skills; secondly,
on manipulative skills; and finally, on combative skills.
This unit teaches proper
exercising techniques without straining the body and further emphasizes the
importance of regular movement by designing new and trendy movement routines
that are easy to do but have high impact on the body. eMotions consists of three
unique workout performance programs (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced)
designed to reintroduce the body the long forgotten expressions of our natural
movements. eMotions is designed to trigger the information bank hidden within
our DNA. We have discovered that by introducing music and supported (elastic)
resistance to our workout routines the body responds more positively and the
muscles find a rhythm to rebuild themselves as in the evolutionary progression.
eWellness Solutions
prefers to use the word Motion and Movement rather than exercise. Here is Why,
the human body has more lymph fluid than blood, unlike blood which has its own
pump (the heart) that helps pump the blood all-over the human body, lymph fluid
relies on movement or Motion. The word exercise is associated with pushing
oneself beyond one’s capabilities or pain. Some say you either move or you die.
Since the lymph fluid is the major fluid in the body, we have no option but to
Movement is essential for every aspect of health and living.
At a very basic level, human beings are simply energy in motion. It is
difficult to separate the difference between moving and living. The more
sedentary your life is, the more important it is to intentionally move.
What is accomplished by
employing an effective movement program? The answer is that properly executed
resistance training, leads to the building of lean muscle tissue, the ultimate
gain to the human body is literally “everything”. The shocking truth is that
metabolic subsystems that support an increased musculature increase their
functional capacity along with size of the muscles that employ them. The “health” territory that muscle
tissue covers is amazing. It covers the oxygenating blood, processing waste
material, optimizing bone-mineral, controlling insulin levels, reducing body
fat levels, increasing metabolic rate, optimizing aerobic capacity, enhancing
flexibility, and greatly reducing the chances of falls and injury, while
allowing you to perform activities of daily living with far less wear and tear
and stress of the human body.
eMotions is a systems
way of moving, when we saying movement can enhance flexibility, cardiovascular
function, and strength ,what we’re
really saying is that it can fulfill your potential in these areas of human
functional ability and can optimize the functioning of various support systems
of human muscles.
eMotions is about proper
movement to enhance or optimize health and fitness in the human body.