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Nitric oxide (NO) is a multifunctional signaling molecule, intricately involved with maintaining a host of physiological processes including, but not limited to, host defense, neuronal communication, and the regulation of vascular tone.  NO is a potent vasodilator, a powerful anti-platelet and anti-leukocyte factor, and one of the most important signaling molecules in the human body.


On the 9th-11th of November 2012 a young and dynamic company called eWellness Solutions, took a formidable challenge of getting systems biology out of the laboratory into the more general human population for screening purposes and understanding South Africa's changing health patterns.This was successfully demonstrated at the Look & Feel Good Expo 2012 at the Coca Cola Dome in Johannesburg.

Despite 21st century medical advances, major indications of population morbidity and mortality like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and all cancers(all problems in which genetic and environmental factors are closely linked) are rising all over the world. Many of these diseases may be related to changes in the activities or composition of the gut microbiota (microbiome), which has been profoundly affected by our lifestyle changes(especially antibiotic use) which are dished out like sweets in South Africa . The microbiome is the exact point where host genetics meets environment and eFortify considers  our gut the most integrated and influential 'environmental' factor. Humans have slowly evolved with this 'extended genome' of microbiota, perturbation of this close association is potentially dangerous and, controversially,might be the root cause of many modern diseases.
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