According to ancient knowledge everything is connected. 21st century life is very fast paced. Speed kills, they say, even if you don't own or drive a vehicle.

Let's investigate speed from the way a normal person conducts his/her life. Here are some wise words from Marc David (Institute for the Psychology of eating), "When moving through life too fast we inevitably eat fast, which destroys our metabolism and creates digestive upsets. It results in meals eaten under a physiologic stress-response, which diminishes our calorie-burning power. It allows us little pleasure from food, decreasing cellular energy production and encouraging us to eat more. It shortens our breathing, which results in less oxygen intake and more fat accumulation. And, it prompts us to abandon our deepest self and our true purpose for being here, leaving us with toxic thoughts and troublesome emotions that age the body and harden the heart".

Most people feel the pressure and anxiety to perform leading to issues such as, stress, fatigue, low energy levels, depression, bad eating habits, and substance abuse and to top it off lack of movement.

The human body does not differentiate between physiological stress and psychological stress; it is all stress. There is a need to keep the Body in Balance amidst all the rushing between meetings/ errands, temptation to skip meals, or try some new substance to get extra energy to stay awake which can lead to adrenal fatigue and depression . Just because you lead a fast paced life, doesn't mean you have to eat junk. Everything is really connected, and eWellness Solutions says people must consider the biochemical burden of stress. 

What is Stress? Functional medicine gives a broad meaning of stress and points to a big path to follow in order to get a better understanding. Stress is the salt of life; that’s according to Hans Selye. Selye states that, “stress is the non-specific response of the body to any demand, and a stressor is any agent that produces stress at any time”. ‘The holy’ book of good medicine (The Textbook of Functional Medicine) IFM 2010 stretches one’s mind by saying “Stressors may be loosely classified as direct physical systemic threats: e.g. starvation, heat, cold, pain, hemorrhage or "processive": e.g. psychosocial threats such as social isolation, helplessness).

While direct systemic threats are not processed primarily by the cortical and limbic areas of the brain, psychosocial stressors involve higher brain functions as part of the primary processing of the sensory input. This is a bit wordy but it is the best definition of stress. It calls for clinicians to expand the working concept of stress to include the psychosocial factors like separation, job loss, cultural context, as well as stress response to episodes of low blood sugar, chronic pain, or food restriction.

Imagine the feeling of going to varsity or starting a new job in an unfamiliar environment. It becomes clear that the quality of social relatedness predicts general health and mortality, and one’s emotional adjustment to stress.

In the 21st century society where employment and residence change is the norm, the reliability of social support which is supposed to have social networks, social relationships, and social integration as a buffer against stress has diminished. In Johannesburg, South Africa additional stressors include, crime, traffic, lengthening commute times in the city Centre, and a starvation diet of fear. The good physicians ask patients "What are the main stresses in one's life, how long ago it occurred, how much, when, what is the quality of relationships?” Other things may include finances, medical illness, education stress, socioeconomic status, social support networks etc. The young and old experience stress daily and most stress drives people into depression and finally suicide.

What about Depression?  There are many conditions and illnesses that lead to depression such as Hypothyroidism, Allergies, Hormonal Imbalances, Hypoglycemia, and Nutritional Deficiencies. Depression is a symptom of Hypothyroidism according to The hormone progesterone has been used in the treatment of depression, fatigue, anxiety, strange thoughts, poor appetite and night sweats. Nutrients such as magnesium helps excrete estrogen and promote estrogen detoxification. Deficiency of these nutrients may cause PMS (post menstrual syndrome). Estrogen blocks vitamin B6, accelerating metabolism of tryptophan, making it less available for conversion into serotonin and thus causing depression.

Women who are on oral contraceptives have impaired vitamin B6 absorption. Amongst the youth who are insulin resistant there is a danger of exposing the brain to excess stress hormones. Vitamin B6 is very important for the conversion of tryptophan into the feel good hormone serotonin. It has been found out that 75% of depressed people had inadequate vitamin B6 intake- British Journal of Psychiatry. 


·         Fight or flight responses; fear, anxiety or worry as a result of study pressure.
·         Depression: feelings of defeat or helplessness
·         The pain syndrome
·         Infection and inflammation
·         Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
·         Inadequate sleep
·         Disrupted sleep
·         Disrupted light cycles
·         Toxic exposure

Cortisol and DHEA are the main stress hormones produced in the adrenal glands whose levels are known to change throughout the day according to a circadian rhythm.

Stress is good, but only in the short term. It allows us to heal. The stress response is designed only to last for a short period as it allows us to break down sugar and provide fuel to our muscles. In the long-term stress has a negative impact on health as it results in loss of muscle, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and high sugar levels.
Stress allows us to heal and repair ourselves in the short term.

The human body is unable to differentiate between physiological and psychological stress hence there is a need to maintain a balance between the two. For instance the body can interpret pressure of studies, work or personal relationships as fight or flight response.
The Stress response will cause:
·         Decrease in nutrient absorption.
·         Decrease in Gut micro-flora populations; this alone can lead to depression as 95% of our feel good hormone ‘serotonin’ in made in the Gut.                          
·         Loss of Muscle mass.                                    
·         Increased inflammation.                              
·         Insulin resistance.               
·         Mitochondria- these are the energy powerhouses of the cell. When these tiny cellular organelles are diminished, we literally produce less energy, leading to chronic fatigue.
·         Cortisol- excessive output prematurely ages the body.  
·         Thermic efficiency -one’s ability to burn calories is diminished.
·         Nutrient deficiencies go up.
·         Nutrient excretion goes up.                          
·         Gastric emptying- leading to constipation.
·         Food sensitivities and allergies go up
·         High acidity levels

eFortify's Micronutrient Testing is of great help in terms getting to the root of depression.

“Cortisol Steals”
Stress and Steriod Synthesis

“Wear & Tear” vs “Rest & Recovery”

Actions of Cortisol – Catabolic
• Maintains blood glucose levels during stress reactions (gluconeogenesis) which leads to additional glucose to brain, heart, lungs, skeletal muscle
• Promotes hepatic protein synthesis and gluconeogenesis; stimulates protein catabolism elsewhere in body
• Stimulates glycogenolysis, lipolysis
• Participates with aldosterone in Na reabsorption which leads to maintenance of perfusion pressures to critical organs during stress
• Anti-inflammatory – downregulates phospholipase A2, inflammatory cytokines
• Inhibitory feedback to hypothalamus and pituitary which leads to downregulation of CRH and ACTH
• Cortisol highest in a.m., with gradual decline over course of day; normal diurnal curve indicates healthy adaptation to stress

Actions of DHEA – Anabolic
• Prohormone for sex steroids
• Anti-glucocorticoid
• Immune supporting
• Anti-atherogenic, lowers serum triglycerides
• Enhances insulin sensitivity; anti-obesity effect
• Maintains tissue strength and repair, supports bone density
• Neuroprotective; enhances memory
• Promotes sense of well-being
• Long-term indicator of DHEA status
• Maximal values at 20 and 30 years of age; thereafter, both DHEA and     DHEA-S decrease markedly

Adrenocorticol Hyperactivity
·         Life-saving in the short-term (catabolism frees up energy reserves)
·         Persistent cortisol production leads to immune suppression, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, central adiposity, hypertnesion, memory impairment (hippocampal damage), hyperlipidemia and impaired hepatic T4-T3 conversion

Adrenal Dysfunction Signs & Symptoms
·         Tired for no reason.
·         Trouble getting up in the morning, even when you go to bed at a reasonable time.
·         Feeling rundown or overwhelmed.
·         Difficulty bouncing back from stress or illness.
·         Feel more awake, alert and energetic after 6pm than you do all day.

Adrenal Dysfunction Pathophysiology 
·         Over secretion of cortisol triggered by daily stress from work, studies, family, or other sources can wear down the internal system and cause fatigue.
·         During this process DHEA may be compromised, causing other functions to suffer.                                                 

Stress, fatigue, low energy levels, depression, bad eating habits and lack of physical activity dampen the stress response. To improve your situtation we recommend the following:

·         eFortify Body in balance and Breakfast meal: The body in balance formula contains essential whole food, is an excellent meal replacement that contains the building blocks needed to support the immune function of the gut by restoring gut ecology and plays an active role in mandatory detoxification of the body’s cellular structure to facilitate homeostasis.

The Body in Balance meal is an ideal preventative meal for those individuals who are preparing for strenuous sport activities and require a balanced carbohydrate and protein support meal with antioxidant building blocks to ensure body development and detoxification.

·         eFortify Florabalnce and Alpha beta microbes: Florabalance is a liquid health supplement containing beneficial bacteria. Through microbial diversity which closely mirrors the natural range of microbes in our soil and food, and it is known to contain bacteria known to break down toxic substances and produce beneficial by-products such as the antioxidant vitamin A.

Florabalance aids effective digestion and assimilation of food, regulates bowel movements, assists with heartburn and acid reflux, helps reduce excessive blood pressure, bring down the blood pressure and normalize lung function by removing unwanted bacteria and fungus. It good for people taking antibiotics, anyone who needs to lower cholesterol, pregnant women, new born babies with colic, children with autism, children with ADD/ ADHD, children born through a cesarean, individuals suffering from Candida infections as well as the young and old

·         eFortify Insulin formula: Formulated to increase insulin sensitivity, increase glucose utilization at cellular level, balance and stabilize sugar and insulin levels.It has a specific herbal compliment which mimics insulin, but also manages the body’s overproduction. Due to its positive effects on insulin receptors, it will help with weight loss and sugar cravings.

·         eFortify Acidity formula: The Acidity Formula stimulates the clearance of uric acid and other acid by-products, improving alkalinity and reducing stiffness and pain. This is a powerful mix of alkalizing botanicals and ionic trace minerals to shift the body into an alkaline state increasing cellular oxygenation and general wellbeing.

·         eFortify Inflammation formula: The inflammation formula contains potent herbal anti-inflammatory modulators that lower inflammatory markers and general circulatory cytokines. It has marked effect on low grade systematic inflammation caused by acidity and poor lifestyle. The inflammation formula works with proven botanicals that all work through multiple mechanisms to lower inflammation.

·         eFortify Neo 40 Daily: Nitric Oxide (NO) is a multifunction signaling molecule, intricately involved with maintaining a host of physiological processes including, but not limited to, host defense, neuronal communication, and the regulation of vascular tone. NO is a potent vasodilator, a powerful anti-platelet and anti-leukocyte, and one of the most important signaling molecules in the human body.

Neo40 Daily is a breakthrough formula proven to help the body restore Nitric Oxide levels naturally, thus supporting healthy blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health. It’s an effective synergetic blend of beet root, hawthorn berry and other Nitric Oxide- active botanicals, in a great tasting fast melt lozenges.

Noe40 Daily is specifically formulated for adults over 40. Neo40 Daily does not include L-Arginine, thus is an endothelial-independent way to help the body naturally produce Nitric Oxide on its own. It is safer and more effective than L-Arginine-based supplements.

·         eCholesterol formula:  (Looking Beyond Cholesterol)
Cardiometabolic sysndrome  involves multiple body systems- it is a systems biology problem that demands systems biology solution. A variety of cardiometabolic  risk (CMR) factors combine and interact in a multidirectional web of influences that disturb metabolic function; if left untreated, may become diagnosable as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure etc.
Emerging convincing   evidence now says conquering heart disease is not simply a matter of driving serum cholesterol to lower and lower levels; in fact, half the people who have a heart attack have normal cholesterol.
Researchers at the university of carlifornia say 500milligrams of vitamin c a day may drop plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), recent science suggest that CRP may bebetter predictor of heart disease than cholesterol levels. C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes.
Vitamin c reduces oxidative stress (university of carlifornia, berkely (Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals are inadequately neutralized by the body’s antioxidant  defense system, or when they overwhelm antioxidants.
High dose vitamin c lowers Lp(a), and promote the natural production of ubiquinone (CoQ10).

Our immune system requires vitamin C . The more stress we are under (infection or exposure to cold,emotional problems,etc all produce stress to our systems) the more vitamin c we need to remain healthy.

A new understanding of hypertension as a marker for and outcome of
inflammatory and autoimmune dysfunction; treating the underlying disturbed physiology will help not only bring blood pressure down but help to heal the damaged arteries as

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